The Formless Being Form

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

The four-fold model of Consciousness details how the One, being formless, manifests into form. As one of his honored names, Shiva is called jagat-sharira, universe-bodied.

Like water becomes ice, yet is still water, Shiva becomes the universe. But he is not limited by it. Nor is he limited to the universe, for he is beyond the universe as well as being in it and being it. You are a form of the formless as am I and everyone you know.

Shiva is also being everyone you don’t know, as well as being everything that exists. Shiva is also everything that doesn’t exist, for if you can think of it, your thought is made of Shiva.

How does this come to be? He coalesces into physical matter through four dimensions. We look at this because my Baba urged us to understand the physical and subtle principles from Shiva to the earth. This gives you mastery over the world as well as a pathway to follow inward.

Shunya — the Void is Shiva’s way of hiding from himself. Since he is Beingness-Itself, he masquerades as Nothingness. In the vastness of his own being, he appears as non-being, like a vacuum. Yet when you experience the void, you are…

Travel Frames for Guru Photos

By Amanda (Purna) Schmidt

New picture frames from Ganeshpuri are available!  This triple-photo frame holds 2×3-inch prints, perfect for small Guru photos. 

Gold lotus details adorn the frame’s back side.  Purchase it empty or with Guru photos included.  

Perfect for travel, it is also ideal to set up in your yoga space!  Bring the presence of the lineage Masters with you, anywhere.  

Feel the support of Divine Grace, no matter where you go.

Who Are You?

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

You don’t have to become somebody or something. You are already radiant Consciousness. All you need to do is uncover it. Yoga practices essentially subtract away the stuff that gets in the way. They remove the blockages until your own capital-S Self is revealed. 

This is why, at the beginning and at the end of programs, I bow to your own Divine Essence. I chant: “OM svaroopa svasvabhava namo namah.” Namo means “I bow to,” and namah means “I bow to.” So I translate namo namah as “again and again I bow.” 

To what do I bow? To svaroopa, your own Divine Essence. Yet while I am bowing to you, I am bowing to my own Divine Essence. Because there is only one Divine Essence. The One Reality is being each of us and all of us at the same time.

It is like light that shines through a window with many panes; the reflection on the floor looks like different squares. Yet there is only one light. The one light takes on all the different shapes so it can shine in all the different forms. The One Reality has become you, me and all that exists. 

In this phrase, I love the word svasvabhavah. It comes from Abhinavagupta, a Kashmiri Shaivite sage who lived a thousand years ago. He wrote…

— Excerpt from Yoga: Embodied Spirituality, pages 17‒19

Arise! Awake! Learn!

By Ellen (Lajja) Mitchell, President
SVA Board of Directors

Arise! Awake! Learn! is the theme for our spring fundraiser. The fundraiser runs April 25th to June 6th. Please join me in supporting SVA and Gurudevi Nirmalananda by donating. Give to the organization that gives back to you.

Our theme reminds me of my story and how I met Gurudevi. I had some protruding discs in my lower back. My doctor suggested yoga and/or acupuncture, so I decided to try both. The company I worked for offered a yoga class at lunch time. I heard that there were blankets used in the class, and it intrigued me.

I went to my first class. I felt taller and something else. I felt deeper inside like I had more space around me. I continued attending the class when I could. Gurudevi says, “With a regular process, your sense-of-self is found in a deeper inner dimension of reality and is less a function of the circumstances around you.” Yes, that is what I received in my very first class, a sourcing from my inner depths. A place I was not used to being. I feel this was my awakening.

I stopped going to classes when my job was transferred to another town. I tweaked my back. I Googled the teacher’s name and found out she also taught in the town I was transferred to! I started attending classes. Eventually, I signed up for a Shaktipat Retreat.

Joy and Peace

Gurudevi says, “Peace and joy arise from within when your mind stops blocking them.” Yes, that was my experience of that Shaktipat. Such peace and joy. Joy and peace. I wanted more. Kundalini arose and gave me a peek into what could be.

The poses, teachings and meditation have given me more. This is why I continue to financially support Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram. I want Gurudevi to continue to bring these teachings into the world. To quote Gurudevi, “You already know that giving makes you happy. Create a happy life. Live with a generous spirit!” Please join me in giving to Svaroopa® Vidya Ashram.

Click on the button below to donate online through our website. Thank you.

Finding Your Peace

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

When I moved into my first home, I wanted to make it a haven from the world. I decorated my small apartment with beautiful budget items and hand-me-downs, and I kept fresh flowers in vases as often as I could. I carefully selected background music that created a soothing and peaceful effect. 

Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn’t. I found that I was completely capable of being so overwrought that I didn’t notice any of it. Jon Kabat-Zinn named the phenomenon in a book title, Wherever You Go, There You Are. You take yourself with you no matter where you are. 

There is an important problem hidden in my story. If you want your home to be a haven, you actually see the world as being a hostile place. It may be an unrecognized attitude, but it is there. As you become able to recognize this in yourself, you also see how your attitude creates the problems that you encounter as you go through your life. 

I would love to be able to point my finger and blame the rude sales clerk or the belligerent driver. Yet, I know that I have created it, countless times, by my own actions and attitude. The world is a mirror. It reflects you back to yourself. What you put out comes back to you, the way you put it out and the “why” you put it out. 

As a yogi, however, you must look at even a deeper level, called dependency. You depend on the externals to be just right before you can feel peace. What happens to you if your neighbors have a noisy party? With all your doors and windows closed, you can still hear their happy sound. Are you happy that they are happy, or do you…

  — Excerpt from Yoga: Inside & Outside, pages 1‒2

You Are Made of Light

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda

The physicists and yogis agree that it all began with the Big Bang. That bang emanated energy which became light; the light coalesced into matter. This is a vastly simplified explanation, but it is true — everything is made of solidified light. Even your body is made of light. Even the chair that you are sitting on is made of light. 

You probably think that the Bang was an explosion emanating energy and light into the darkness. If so, you’re assuming that darkness is the basis of existence, with light being added to it. The physicists do not describe it this way, but most non-physicists picture it so, without even recognizing that they do. 

The yogic sages make it clear that something existed before the Big Bang. There was something there, a something that banged. That something was not, and is not, darkness. That “something” is the Ever-Existent Reality. It was and is Self-Knowing Beingness, also called Consciousness-Itself. Named by the ancients in their language (Sanskrit), that something is called Shiva. 

Shiva is light, but the word “light” has multiple meanings. Normally it means (1) the opposite of dark, or (2) the opposite of heavy. Both are true of Shiva but, in yoga, “light” means something else: scintillating Presence, radiant Beingness-Itself, Consciousness-Itself, That which Banged. The most important thing to know is — You are That. You are that light, that Presence, that Beingness and Consciousness. You are that which the ancient yogis called “That.” 

The Big Bang was an implosion within Shiva’s own being, which is why energy contracts to become matter. The Big Bang was not an explosion, with light expanding into a field of darkness. It was an implosion, with Shiva contracting within Shiva’s own being, to contract light into matter and bring the universe into existence. Light — not darkness — is the basis of existence. 

Light is important to you because you are made of light. You already know this, not because of a scientific theory or an ancient teaching, as inspiring as they can be. You know this because of your own experience. You feel most like yourself when you are shining with light. When your eyes twinkle, when your heart overflows, when your words have a melody hidden in them, and when your actions show your generous and loving nature — you feel so natural. You feel like yourself. You are radiant with light in those moments. You are your own Self. 

Yoga offers a tried-and-true methodology by which you stop blocking the light of your own being from shining through. When you begin with the physical practices, you are removing the blocks to your body’s natural state of openness. Your body is naturally soft, supple, strong, healthy and resilient, like that of a two-year-old child. The tensions you’ve accumulated since you were two years old are blockages to be removed. When you do some slow breathing and poses to open your spine, you glow afterward. Because the things you do daily are the most powerful, you need to do your yoga breathing and poses daily. If you aren’t removing the blocks, then you are probably installing more of them. 

Yet you do not have to perfect your body in order to have your inner light shine. Even if your body is imperfect, your eyes can shine and your heart can overflow. Yoga’s most powerful effects are the clearing of the blockages from more important levels — your mind and emotions. Clearing these blocks is the primary purpose of yoga’s practices, so your inner light can shine through your mind. 

When you begin aligning your life with the principles of light by following yoga’s precepts for living, that glow shines more brightly and more consistently. When you deepen your inner experience through meditation and chanting, as well as by studying the teachings, you plumb the depths of your own inner essence to discover the source of light within, the light of which you are made.

— Excerpt from A Yogic Lifestyle, pages 25‒25

A Divine Work in Progress

By Darren Taylor

Interviewed by Lissa (Yogyananda) Fountain, Yogaratna

I used to drive by Downingtown Yoga and Meditation center weekly. I’d see the prayer flags and wonder what it was all about. 

Then one day I took a yoga class with Swami Satrupananda. Afterwards she asked me what I wanted from yoga. I said, “Enlightenment, of course.”

“Well,” she replied, “You’ve come to the right place.”

I’ve been on a spiritual search for years. Mindfulness, Christian prayer, power yoga, and spiritual readings have been a part of the journey. But I’d never done mantra meditation before. I had lots of questions, and Satrupananda counseled me on the next steps. This led to my first Shaktipat in May of 2022.

I began to prepare myself for this profound spiritual experience about to happen. It felt akin to a baptism: a transformative spiritual marker on my path. I wanted to do service to it, with respect. I ate a simple and pure diet that week and read Muktananda’s Play of Consciousness.  In a dream, I also experienced Gurudevi giving me a shoulder slip!  I wondered if this was part of the transmission of energy to come. 

At the beginning of the Shaktipat retreat, my mind and body had a little resistance. “Oh,” I thought, “we’re chanting again??!” But I went with it. After Gurudevi’s first touch, I felt pulled up from my base and realigned. I could see a roadmap that Kundalini had implanted inside me. During my meditations, the physical openings were much stronger. I experienced a cleansing, a burning off. 

After I got home, I couldn’t do anything but sit in meditation. I was so blissful.  I didn’t want to “land the plane.”  I wanted to keep flying in Consciousness. Now I’m enrolled in the “Deepen Your Meditation” class and meditating daily.  I’m a divine work in progress. 

Shavasana: Letting Go to Go Forward

By Marlene (Matrikaa) Gast, Yogaratna

When life gets hectic, and it’s time to go-go-go, Shavasana is my go-to pose.  

I take the time to set up my blanket stack with a carefully rolled blanket on top.  With my knees supported thus, I feel my lower back lengthen, spread, and settle into the floor.  The effect on my mind is so sweet.   

Worry melts into random thoughts.  They soon dissolve into simple clarity and gratitude for rest.  I feel my upper back receive the support of the floor.  With the back of my hands resting into the floor, my fingers soften.  They release the urge to hold on to anything.

Sometimes I silently repeat our Guided Awareness, which I know by heart.  In sequence, I find every part of my body, from my toes through my head, front and back.  This deepens my access to inner peace.

In my current process of relocating, I’m finding Gurudevi’s “Experience Shavasana” recording to be essential.  While uprooting myself, what I hear in her voice and words is transporting in a different way.  This takes me inward to the discovery of new dimensions within myself.  

Being in Shavasana, I am thoroughly grounded in the expanding awareness of Ultimate Reality and Eternality.  Bit-by-bit, my body rests ever more deeply into my blankets and the floor.  Guided in being aware of my body, I feel each area in turn filling with aliveness.

Afterwards, I rest in silence and stillness, my back evenly spread, securely supported by the floor.  The Shavasana blanket stack and roll cradle my knees.  Any previous pressure in my low back is gone.  With calm and energy at the same time, I feel whole — ready to effectively address whatever arises.

Find New Depths Within

By Amanda (Purna) Schmidt

Do you have a meditation practice? If you need a boost inward, try our new Rudraksha head garland.

Designed by Gurudevi, it was handcrafted in Ganeshpuri. The garland features semiprecious stones with the colors of the chakras. A silver OM adornment completes the garland.

Wear it on your head, enhancing your meditation. You will find new depths inside, while feeling uplifted. Ease deeper into meditation, encircled by Grace.

Measuring beads are sent by request at

Three Ways to Get Enlightened 

By Gurudevi Nirmalananda 

You may have heard that enlightenment is easy — “You don’t need any practices, just know who you are. Just know.” Personally, I needed help with that. I needed lots of help! I got the help so I know how it works. After enough preparation, this is what happens: you just know. 

The Shiva Sutras describes this path to enlightenment, called Shambhavopaya. The word names the process: the upaya (path) of cultivating the knowing-feeling (bhava) of being Shiva (Shambho). It is a feeling of downshifting, like leaning back into your multidimensionality, the ease of settling into your own Beingness.

I teach this process in every satsang and course. I lead you past the fragmentation of your mind to a deeper inner dimension. You feel whole. You shine with light. The trick is this: when the program ends, simply continue to experience your own Shivaness. Instead, you might go back to your mind, with its many concurrent agendas.

For those who get ensnared by their mind, another upaya is best – applying your mind to Consciousness. Since it is your mind that blocks your easing into Shiva-Self, you must work with your mind. This is Shaktopaya, the upaya (path) of working with Shakti (the energy of Consciousness-Itself). 

How do you do this? You fill your mind with the energy of Consciousness by repeating the mantra. The mantra given by an authorized teacher emanates the power of Consciousness. Each time you repeat it, it uplifts your mind and mood. You can liken it to clearing the clouds out of your mind so the sunlight of your own Beingness can shine through.

This is a familiar process if you’ve attended one of my satsangs or programs. I formally give the mantra, and explain both its meaning and how to use it. When you take it with you, your progress toward enlightenment continues. But if you climb out of your…